Dr. Whitney is from Bristol, Virginia. After graduating from Life University in Marietta, Georgia, with a Bachelor Degree in Biology and a Doctorate in Chiropractic, Dr. Denton also received her board-certification in Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique (B.C.A.O).

Dr. Whitney’s Chiropractic Journey
At an early age while participating in gymnastics, she had a traumatic accident, landing on her neck while performing a back handspring. The injury resulted in chronic migraines for the next twenty years. She suffered from these migraines every single day, and could only function with pain medicine. After working as an intern for 3 years for a pharmaceutical company, she realized customers, including herself, were too dependent on medicine to treat their health conditions. She began to look for a healthier option to treat her chronic migraines.

A few years later, she learned about chiropractic care and how it helps with migraines. During her first encounter with a chiropractor, he manually adjusted her neck and she was headache-free for a day. Unfortunately, the headache came back the next day, and she had to continue her search. A close friend told her about atlas orthogonal technique and how it helped her friend’s sister with seizures. Dr. Whitney decided to find out for herself in hopes it would help with her headaches. After her first adjustment with the instrument, she didn't have any headaches for almost 3 weeks. She felt alive for the first time in her life!! Since that moment, she has devoted herself to learning about atlas orthogonal technique, and how to treat others with similar conditions.

Dr. Denton is pleased and honored to work in the Savannah area, educating patients on the neurological disorders they face everyday. She hopes to bring knowledge and understanding on how regular chiropractic care can be beneficial, even at a very young age.